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Nope, there's no shower curtain in the bathrooms.
If you need to use the bathroom while the floor is still wet, you have three options. Perhaps there are more alternatives, but these are the ones I'm currently presented with.
1) Wipe the floor dry.
2) Next to the sink is a wooden floor cover that can be placed down.
3) Lastly, use the bathroom sandals seen here.
OK, I guess a fourth option is to get your feet wet.
Yes, I suppose you could choose not to shower.
Just for the record, I didn't clean my place for the pictures.
It doesn't take a songpyun pro to figure out this lil' fella went wrong.
All of us patiently wait in our aprons for the songpyun.
Finished & ready to eat!
For additional pictures, please visit making songpyun.
Please view the additional pictures at Haedong Yonggung Temple.
Justin, on the left, has a cool hair cut too!
Suburbs of Seoul behind me.
Pretty good sized boulder waiting to roll into Seoul! Can you see the person in black on top?
Hiking down from the peak.
Look at the detail of these smaller Buddhas which lead to a much larger one not shown above. Please view more pictures at Suraksan Hike in Seoul.