Learning Calligraphy

Thank you Busan Buddhism for sharing the beginning secrets of the art of calligraphy. I've since learned that this group who dedicate themselves to the teachings of Korean culture is known as HanNaRae Culture Inc.

Many of us had an opportunity to have the professional instructor make an art piece for us. We each chose a word to be translated in Korean. This masterpiece just so happens to be mine that she is creating.

Speaking of masterpieces... Here is my creation of a few Korean script with an artistic flare. She gave me a kind laugh when she first saw my work.

From about 6 different sheets of paper I worked on, the calligraphy instructor actually selected the circular one as my best piece. She then displayed them among the other workings of the group. Once you find mine, it isnt' too hard to spot, is it?

I must admit that I copied this photo idea from someone. Mine didn't turn out a nice as hers either.