This year in Jeju-do was great! This island has a different look & feel than the mainland, & this is why I've decided to stay for one more year!
This posting is dedicated to the students I have taught this year. I took these photos about three months ago, & since then I have had many different classes & students. Unfortunately, many of the students don't like to have their pictures taken. So, I only have a fraction of the classes/students I would enjoy posting.


This is a video still; so it's not that clear. One of these days I'll post all the videos... The girls' team is praying for a good throw at the English board. They really want to beat the boys!

"Okay class, please listen to Zach Teacher. " To show respect, this is how I'm addressed, "Zach Teacher. "

"Yeah, whatever Zach Teacher!" Perhaps I'm interpreting this incorrectly. Maybe Eddie is really stating, "I thoroughly enjoy this particular English lesson & am greatly appreciative of your teachings today. I can't wait to study phonics & our grammatically simple, conversational sentences."

This is before they knew I had a camera.

This is after they learned of the camera.

Cindy, her English name, is focusing on an English assignment.

In this kindergarten class, one of the kids is caught in the act of digging for something.

This is what happens when you lose control of the class.

This is what happens when the class is motivated.

The peace sign will live on forever.

They seem to be more interested in writing my name on my water bottle.

As opposed to one of the earlier class photos, this class enjoyed their picture being taken.

Pencil cases are very popular, & I couldn't resist taking a picture of this one.


Don't you dare point that thing at me young man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why am I teaching again? Rough day...

Sure, I'm tired... Go ahead & play Heads Up Seven Up.

Paul is not usually this happy to study English.

I think I caught them doing something, but I'll never know.

An English motivational activity using dice.

I just enjoyed the expression on the right.

One of the middle school classes.

The students attend many private schools, so it's no wonder they become creative with their pencils. This is a fully functional mechanical pencil cleverly hidden in a glue case.

A snow day might disappoint one student.

Taekwondo is fairly popular here. The style & grace are brilliantly displayed on this tree which will then shower snow on the both of them.

The day is over, I can take off my indoor slippers & head home.

A view of the outdoors, taken from the hallway. It's time to go home!