Chinese New Years in Beijing!- Part 2


Please visit here for more information on the Ming Tombs.

Zhu Di Emperor Yongle (1360- 1424 A.D.) ruled for 22 years & was the third emperor during the Ming Dynasty. This emperor was the first to choose this burial site & 13 emperors were buried in this area after his rule. He accomplished much for the country and was even in charge of building the imperial palace (Forbidden City).

Large wooden coffins were brought through this passageway shown in the foreground. While in the background, the Changling rises above. This is the burial mausoleum of Chengzu Zhu Li (same as above) & Empress Xushi.

We were told that the food, drinks & money were an offering to those who have descended from emperors long ago. Notice the police carefully watching, especially the bigger paper money that appears as leaves on the ground.

This is a sacred silk burner that was used after sacrificial rites. Other burners were used to burn food for their gods. With the nature of smoke rising to the sky, burning was a way to offer to the gods.

Before the mausoleum, stands this large wooden building made from cedar trees. The trees were shipped from eastern China during the Ming Dynasty. This process tooks months to transport & to this day, they no longer have any cedar trees for logging in the country.

This Soul Tower is a symbolic structure of the mausoleum. During the Ming Dynasty it was constructed of wood. At one time, a sacred steel was erected from the tower. Yet, in 1604 it was stuck & damaged by lightning. A year later it was rebuilt with the characters, "The Mausoleum of Emperor Chengzu," inscribed on the steel. When it was again reconstructed in the late 1700's the mausoleum was changed to stone.

Copper Vase Factory

We visited a copper vase factory which was very interesting. The factory guide showed us the lengthy process of how these beautiful vases are made.

Very lengthy handmade process to make something like this!

Pearl Shop

We also had the opportunity to learn about pearls from this demonstration.

Did you know it's common to have this many pearls in a shell? I certainly didn't. Nicole, thanks for letting me steal this picture from your website.

Typical Lunch & Dinner

Fish was served as one of the many sides for every lunch & dinner.

Houhai Lake Area

This Houhai area has many different restaurants & bars along the man-made lake.

Mike, myself, Amanda, Rebecca & Denis are all pretty excited to be in China!