I finally had my first visitor here in Busan! While Grant's stay was short, it was still great to see a friend from home! We decided to catch up over some drinks on both nights.

The first night we went to a couple places just down the street. This picture is at Bar Code.
We also dropped in at WA Bar, which has more of a western feel to it. My compliments to Grant for shooting this photo while I stepped away from the table.
Grant lived in Korea some 10 years ago, so it's been a while since he's been to a night club. We decided to take care of that the next night & went with some friends. I guess we arrived before the real party started, because it was extremely dead. I've now learned that weekday nights aren't the best nights to attend these clubs.
We didn't stay long, but I did capture one of the shows on camera. In this photo, some of the performers spin plates.
It's difficult to see, but they're twirling these plastic pots with their feet.
Still using their feet, this performer is spinning a small table!
This picture really didn't turn out, but I think you can gather the acrobatic concept.
We finished up the second night at a traditional dong-dong ju or makkolli establishment. Dong-dong ju is a Korean rice wine. Notice the old wooden benches & paper covered lights.
Content or tired?