At the beginning of the drive, we stopped for some quick photos of the Kyichu River.
Tibetans have three main burial ceremonies, one of those being a river burial. This is the point where many of them are performed.

We just had to see what it was like to hike above 16,000 feet! So, we started our slow climb!

Amazing! My altimeter read 5,015 meters (16,453 feet) & our guide confirmed that should be about right.
The serenity of the snow-capped mountains with the reflection below.
This lake is one of the three largest in Tibet & extends much farther than we could see.
With the confusion prior to entering China, we almost wrote off this Tibetan adventure. So Paul & I cheers, to a long overdue celebration! We literally carried these beers for days, in anticipation of this moment. In looking back, this was day before we each went on our own course of travels.

This was the best photo of them all! What a view! It was so peaceful up there... This is more of what I had expected from Tibet & we couldn't have timed it out better. The weather, snow & visibility were all perfect! This was the last full day in Tibet & we left with an experience always to remember.