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City of Jinju
Jinju Fortress Gate picture from www.redbrick.dcu.ie/ ~melmoth/RTW/korea.html
The Jinju Namgang Yudeung (Lantern) Festival.
Here's my attempt at capturing the floats or "lanterns".
Nightime view of the Namgang Lantern Festival. As history books tell, the Imjinwaeran (Japanese invasion) of 1592 was a suffering period for Korea. It was during this time that General Kim Si-Min floated lamplights & torches down the river to send military signals to loyal troops & other support forces outside the castle. These lanterns were used for various communication purposes. Soldiers inside the castle were even able to use the lantern as a means of expressing their safety to their families. Thank you for this picture www.biznetkorea.co.kr.

Wolchulsan National Park
I'm trying to catch up on some posts & thought I'd show some beach photos. All these pictures you see here are from the winter ...
At last we come to my final post for the island of Jeju . This will cover the southern half of the island of Jeju. A Jeju Island promoti...
These next photos are from different areas around town, not within a short walking distance. The North Korean soccer team came to pla...