The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was held in town recently. During the extent of APEC, Nampo-dong tailored itself to educating the foreign visitors. Amanda & I decided to advantage of this nearby cultural day event.

Traditional Wedding Ceremony
Bride in the middle.

Amanda & I are shown how to properly enjoy tea & rice cake. They were so nice to not laugh at us. My thumb is awkwardly raised & Amanda chose to demonstrate with the wrong hand. In the end, Amanda ended up performing this traditonal practice quite well. I on the other hand, felt it necessary to leave room for improvement. After all, I didn't want to "one up" the ladies who were teaching us.
Traditional rice cake pounding while other children stand in line for different activities. Many people wear masks when ill, so they don't spread it to others.
So why exactly didn't this "Honkey on the Drum" gather a drum circle?
The Korean Tea Ceremony in the Women's Quarter (Kyubang Darye). Kyubang Darye is the ritual ceremony conducted by wives of officials. They invite friends or neighbors to share friendship by preparing & serving tea. In their quarters, they learn virtue & etiquette to be a proper lady through tea ceremony. The ladies in the photo above are those who allowed us to sign the visitor book and also taught us the beginnings of ritual tea ceremonies.
This seesaw, or Neolttwigi, is a traditional folk game for women. I've since tried this with a friend who was wearing high heeled shoes. As one might guess, it didn't work quite as well as you see here.
More pictures from this APEC weekend.