This is claimed to be Korea's largest Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) Folk Village. According to the pamphlet, their are six folk villages in Korea. This one known best for its size, degree of preservation, numerous cultural assets, traditionalism, beautiful natural setting, as well as its many local specialties. This village would have taken all day to explore it entirely!

There is actually a second floor, but it didn't look solid enough to test. I would hate to be the bright guy with my legs dangling through a cracked floor & try to explain that one.
Multi-level walkways to different areas of the building.
The tied wraps you see hanging are called meju. Meju is a fermented soybean product used for making doenjang jjigae, a popular Korean stew. This particular place caters to the hungry tourists.

I do believe this stage was where karaoke first became so popular here in Korea. OK, I'm really not positive on this one. In the background you can see a small portion of the village.