I had been wanting to visit Hong Kong for a long time & was finally able to pull it off! It was great blend of Asian & Western cultures. I ended up staying in the New Territories area with a
Couch Surfing friend.

One of the most popular attractions, Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery, is located on the mountain behind the Shatin Pai Tau Village.

Many Buddhas adorning the climb to the monastery & temples above.

On the climb, each Buddha has its own distinct appearance.

The walls of the monastery are lined with thousands of little Buddhas.

The Buddhas continued on the other side of the monastery as well.

A Buddha reaching towards the sky, while the main attraction stands in the distance.

An elephant statue angrily stares across the courtyard.

One of the five temples, with incense sticks placed in an urn.

A large blue dog with a Buddha mounted on top.

Smoldering incense sticks presented as an offering.

The nine-story pagoda for which the monastery is most known.

The ferry ride across Victoria Harbor was quick, but we timed it out perfectly as the sun was setting!

We took the Star Ferry across to Hong Kong Island. I barely did anything to edit this picture!

Same with this photo, the colors were perfect!

A panoramic night view of Hong Kong, Kowloon and Victoria Harbor from Victoria Peak.

Here are some of the
Couch Surfers I met in Hong Kong. Dan & Andrus are the two other fellas visiting from Estonia. Yan, Hong Kong resident, stands in between them.
Yan was an absolute great host! She even taught me how to play the Nintendo Wii! She destroyed me every tennis game! Months later, I went to visit a friend in Busan, S. Korea. We played a Wii tennis game, & I was the first person to defeat him! Thanks Yan for teaching me the ways of the Wii!

Notice any pattern of missing numbers? Sorry the photo is of poor quality, but hopefully you'll be able to still see it well enough.
Hint? Email me for the answer or the reason behind the absent numbers.