Halloween isn't celebrated as a Korean holiday, but each year our school throws a big party for the students. We prepared all week setting up for the fiesta!

I'm guessing at one time, you have all played this game. It was pretty fun to watch them get so excited over the many games. 
Amanda & I get the opportunity to display our costumes.
Walking home in my "jail bird" outfit produced some looks on the streets of Busan. I guess I'm still in character next to the stairs of the subway.

The best decorated room went to Amanda & I. Although, I am partial to black lights & was the only one that voted.

Amanda, Taunya, & I take a break on the roof before the students go Halloween crazy. I suppose we're all in character here. Isn't Amanda's hair downright sexy!?!?

Taunya in control of telling their fortune. She was incredible!