Odds & Ends -Part 2

I couldn't decide what to do with these pictures, so I hope you enjoy them. Some of them are even from my most recent travels. By no means am I trying to poke fun of any culture, but thought I'd present a few more photos worth viewing. Actually, I suppose this section is primarily dedicated to translations. No matter how bad it may be, I have to remember... I can't even translate, so all the more power to those who can.
You may have to click on some of these to read them better.
I only saw one of these bathroom stalls & should add that it was wired shut. -Suncheon, S. Korea

It's not really a peppermint pizza. -Seomyeon, Busan, S. Korea

Well, here's a case where the translation did work! Budweiser is a bad beer. -Shigatse, Tibet

Pets & dangerous things, need say no more. -Shigatse, Tibet

Good thing the second sentence was written, because I was having a little trouble with the first one. -Shanghai, China

This store's name wouldn't go over too well in the states. -Fukuoka, Japan

I gave up scribbling long ago, but you never know... -Beijing, China

This was at the airport & I figured the dog was working behind the scenes. Nope, a dog made an apearance for us while waiting for our luggage. He/she sniffed each bag as they came out on the conveyer belt. I was scolded for taking a picture of the dog. This is all I have after they confiscated my luggage. Just kidding! -Chengdu, China

This was a sticker on one of my chocolates that was given to me by a student. She was pretty young & I'm sure she hadn't a clue what I'm interpreting it to mean. Regardless, it was a nice chocolate gift. -Busan, S. Korea

All kinds of peril on this hill. -Beijing, China

This gift was on Pepero Day, where many exchange chocolate sticks. The chocolate sticks, called pepero, are normally much smaller. This pepero gift from a student was huge! Not to mention, darn good too! However, of all the writing, I'd like to bring your attention to the "Happy Virus!" -Busan, S. Korea

As always, I did my part to help. -Beijing, China

A shoe store chain in Korea. -Nampo-dong, Busan, S. Korea

I don't even remember what this store was, but guessing it's a teddy bear place. -PNU, Busan, S. Korea

Same haircut as me! -Nopo-dong, Busan, S. Korea

At first I thought these were condoms in our hotel room, but I'm now led to believe it's lotion. You'll have to expand this photo to understand. -Chengdu, China

There's a popular outdoor brand of clothing that also shares the Kolon name. -Nampo-dong, Busan, S. Korea

This is at The Great Wall. -Beijing, China

Cardboard? -Saha, Busan, S. Korea

Just don't do it... Taejongdae, Busan, S. Korea

Don't do this either, please... -Nampo-dong, Busan, S. Korea

I can't get enough of the police station mascots. -Saha, Busan, S. Korea

Odd & Ends -Part 1

I didn't know what to do with these pictures, so here they are. These are all photos that were taken prior to my leave in Busan, S. Korea.
Windows of the Busan Train Station.

A painting in a restaurant called Junco.

Great to see a Henry Wienhards sign out here. This was in the restroom, so I had to sneak this photo. Pulling out your camera in the restroom isn't the smoothest idea.

Does he look different?

Little bike, big bike.

I believe this is an air conditioning company.

My stealth photo tactics produced this pimped-out taxi picture.

A pair of free gloves offered with your cereal.

One happy pig!

The police have these friendly mascots.

Vitamin C briefs to stay healthy.

The kids on the right are getting scolded & must keep their hands up until mother says otherwise.

Squid snack at home.

It seems as though each large city makes their own soju. It's a fierce competion & even North Korea has their own version. It's not an easy find, but this was a gift brought back from the border.

Trying to get creative with C1 soju.

Big smiles from Denis at a local pub.

Last Week in Busan

Here is my last week in Busan. I was extremely busy with last minute preparations, but still managed to play a little. What to do after this year? I was presented with different options, but ultimately have decided to teach for one more year. My sad farewells to Busan. I have now moved on to Jeju Island where my heart has always leaned towards.

Boy, if a picture could say a thousand words... Don't you fret though... In order to apply for the first stage of New Zealand residency, I'm required to have a FBI report. In order to obtain this, I had to get my fingerprints at a larger police station. Jina was kind enough to translate for me, but it still wasn't the easiest process. Fingerprinting isn't as common here, so we needed to go to the other office in the Nampo-dong. They were kind enough to transport us in this fine looking vehicle, but Jina was pretty embarrassed to ride in the back with me.

I caught this in action photo of Jack & Lauren pointing to a strange foreigner in one of the classes. If you click on the picture to expand it, you can vaguely see Josh making a guest appearance. Josh is now going to utilize these acquired teaching skills in Taiwan. Best of luck to you Josh!

This roof top party, above the 14th floor, had been planned before I even had my departure date. Yet, Jessica, Amanda & Andrea were kind enough to call it my going away party. They did a great job of setting everything up!

Sparing no expense...

These are the two who allowed me to jump on board with their travels. I left with Josh & Paul a few days after this gathering.

Paul taking a swing at this macho machine. Of course, we all took a swing at it.

Nick, Andrea, Drew, Paul & I at the Ol'55 bar.

Josh & I take a moment for a photo.

Dancing on stage looking down at the crowd. Can you spot the westerner?

This was the fullest I'd seen this canal & it also happened to be on the day I was leaving Busan. Best wishes to you all!

Busan Teaching

Well, my teaching in Busan came to an end. As much as teaching can be frustrating, I do admit to missing many of the children. I wish them all well... If you were one of my students & reading this. Please keep English fun & I wish you luck in everything you do. I have learned a lot from all of you & thank you for what you have taught me. The best to you all & please don’t hesitate to contact me in the future.

A student took this picture with my camera & it's unfortunately out of focus. Yet, I'm caught giving an example of what curly hair looks like. Yup, I look good in it too!

The rest of the pictures below speak for themselves.

In this display, they made their own word search. Can you find the naughty looking word?