I didn't know what to do with these pictures, so here they are. These are all photos that were taken prior to my leave in Busan, S. Korea.

Windows of the Busan Train Station.
A painting in a restaurant called Junco.
Great to see a Henry Wienhards sign out here. This was in the restroom, so I had to sneak this photo. Pulling out your camera in the restroom isn't the smoothest idea.
Does he look different?
Little bike, big bike.
I believe this is an air conditioning company.
My stealth photo tactics produced this pimped-out taxi picture.
A pair of free gloves offered with your cereal.
One happy pig!
The police have these friendly mascots.
Vitamin C briefs to stay healthy.
The kids on the right are getting scolded & must keep their hands up until mother says otherwise.
Squid snack at home.
It seems as though each large city makes their own soju. It's a fierce competion & even North Korea has their own version. It's not an easy find, but this was a gift brought back from the border.
Trying to get creative with C1 soju.
Big smiles from Denis at a local pub.